Valleyan Forms Unique Real Estate Firm

by Ima Phibber

Donald Buffett is a well known business owner and real estate investor in The Valley. Buffett’s primary business is a body shop, but he also owns a mobile home park, RV park, laundromat, vape shop, and more. He recently formed DG Ventures, LLC, and it’s going to be a very unique real estate investment firm.

Buffett plans to acquire rural properties in and around The Valley that would be ideal spots for new Dollar General stores. Buffett said, “I’ve always had a knack for buying properties at low prices that turn out to be prime properties in the future. I was driving down the road the other day, and I noticed they’d built a Dollar General out in the middle of nowhere. I thought about the person that owned that land probably made a killing. Then, I decided that I was going to start buying property in rural areas that would be prime properties for the next Dollar General. I may be a little late to the party, but I think I can do it.”

Buffett has made contact with the Dollar General corporate office about his plans. They appreciated his interest, but they made no commitments to him and DG Ventures, LLC. Buffett said, “I managed to get through to their real estate guy, but he really didn’t have a whole lot to say. I asked him where they were looking to add stores in MS, and he wouldn’t tell me. I even tried to bribe him with two months of free rent in my RV park. So, I’m just going to have to go on my intuition on this, but I think I can do it.”

Buffett has contacted multiple farmers and land owners in rural areas of The Valley and Central MS, but he hasn’t acquired any property as of the publication of this story. He said, “You know the old saying- Build it and they will come? Well, I’m going to change it up. For me, it’s going to be- Buy it and they will come.”

Buffett’s plan seems to be a tough proposition. The Valley and surrounding areas are already flush with Dollar Generals. I heard they just built one on the moon, but I haven’t verified that. We’ll keep in touch with Buffett and his unique firm, and update you periodically.