Recent Swamp Thang Sighting in The Valley

by Pullyn Mylegg

There is an urban legend in The Valley about a mythic swamp creature or monster that most people refer to as the Swamp Thang. Only a handful of people over the years have claimed to have seen the creature, and the sightings have all been near the Strong River. Many young Valleyans have never actually heard of the Swamp Thang. There hasn’t been a Swamp Thang sighting for years until this week.

Bubba Biggfoot was raccoon hunting this week with his friend east of Pinola along the Strong River when he supposedly saw the Swamp Thang. Biggfoot said, “We were doing a little coon hunting on Old Man Peabody’s place on the river. He told us not to be on his property, but it was at night so we weren’t too worried about getting caught. And, yes we know it’s out of season. The dogs were running past a slough, and we were coming in behind them. I had to take a break by the slough, and I heard something in the water. I looked over, and I swear the Swamp Thang was standing there in the water.”

I asked Biggfoot if possibly his mind was playing tricks on him because of a lack of sleep, but he was adamant about what he saw. He said, “No, I know what I saw. I swear to the Lord above it was the Swamp Thang. I always thought people were crazy that talked about seeing it, but it is real. I tried to get my phone out to take a pic, but I was so nervous that I dropped it. By that time, it had disappeared into the darkness.”

I asked Biggfoot if he could describe the creature to our graphics team so we could get a rendering of it, and he was pleased to do it. Biggfoot said, The thang was huge and ripped like a Greek God, and it looked like it had moss all over it.” He provided a few more details to our graphics team, and they created a drawing of the creature that you can see below.

I’m sure readers will have doubts just like I do about Biggfoot’s story, but who are we to doubt what he saw? I asked to him to swear on the Bible that his story was true, and he agreed to do it. He even agreed to take a lie detector test, but we don’t have the funds for that unfortunately. Valleyans, keep your eyes out for the Swamp Thang, and please submit a picture to us if you spot the creature.