Strong River Valley Observer

The Valley's Trusted Unreliable News Source

Archives February 2025

New Egg Security Company Sees Huge Growth

by B. S. Ryter

Egg prices are sky high right now. Inflation seems to be sticky, and the price of eggs will probably remain elevated for a while. The bird flu and the government’s reaction to bird flu are the culprits of this egg inflation. Since 2022, the government has killed over 160 million chickens because of the bird flu, and the majority of these were egg-laying hens. Also, the bird flu has killed millions of chickens. As you were taught in economics, less supply + more demand = higher prices. But, there is always opportunity in crises, and a local company has taken advantage of the current egg price crisis.

Bill Broody has owned a small farm for years, and he’s had chickens since he bought the farm. Broody has been selling his eggs for years, and the residents of Strong River Bend (SRB) love his farm raised eggs. Broody said, “I’ve been making a killing lately since egg prices have gone up. But, I’ve had a problem recently with egg theft, and I’ve heard other people are having the same problem. People have been coming to the farm at night and stealing my eggs. I ended up hiring a guy to watch over the farm at night, and the theft stopped. I’m always looking to make an extra buck, and an idea popped into my head. I can start an egg security company to help other small farmers protect their eggs, and so here we are.”

Broody reached out to multiple farmers in The Valley, and they all said they would use his security firm if he created it. Eggcellent Security was born, and he got to work acquiring security guards. As of now, he has 18 security guards that are working for his firm.

Broody said, “I have 18 guys working for me, and I need a lot more. I’ve got guys from all walks of life working for me. I’ve got firemen that work on their days off, and I’ve got guys that work offshore that work when they’re home. I’ve a got a couple teenagers that are working for me too. It’s not very exciting work, but we pay pretty well.”

Eggcellent Security is unique in that it’s the only security firm devoted specifically to eggs that we’re aware of, and it’s also a vertically integrated security firm. They protect the hens before the eggs are hatched, they collect the eggs, they provide security during transport to market, and they provide protection at retail stores as well. Broody said, “We provide security from beginning to the end- from the coup to the grocery store. Grocery stores have been very appreciative of our service, because many had been having egg theft.”

I was able to speak to a couple of Broody’s security guards. One said, “I ain’t gonna lie, this is pretty boring work. It gets really boring at night; I bring my dog with me to keep watch at night. But, the money is pretty good, so I’ll keep doing it as long it lasts. The other one said, “It’s crazy that this job even exists, but it is what it is. I take my job seriously, and I’m gonna protect these farmer’s most precious assets- their laying hens.”

Broody added, “We’re gonna have to change the old saying “golden goose” to “golden hen.” This gig won’t last forever, because egg prices will eventually come back down. But, I’m gonna ride the wave as long as I can, and I’m gonna keep cashing these checks.”

Broody is looking to expand, and he’ll be able to as long as egg prices stay elevated. He is also thinking about creating another firm to deliver eggs to customers; it would be like Doordash but for eggs only. We’ll see if that gets off the ground.

First Baptist Valley City Creates Committee on Church Efficiency (COCE)

by Ben BeEssen

The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) headed by Elon Musk has been in the headlines quite a bit lately. Musk has been tasked with cutting government waste and fraud, and he and his team have been hard at work since Trump’s inauguration. DOGE has inspired states, cities, and Valley County to implement similar measures to cut fraud and waste. Now, it appears a Valley church has been inspired by DOGE to cut waste and repetitiveness with the church.

First Baptist Valley City (FBVC) is the largest church in Valley City and Valley County. FBVC’s new Chairman of Deacons is Ron Radeucer, and he is an accountant and organizational efficiency specialist (OES). He has felt there is too much waste and too many committees at FBVC for a while, and he’s using his power as chairman to do something about it.

Radeucer said, “I’ve complained about it, and I’ve heard others complain about it for years too. But, I’ve never been in a position to do something about it, but now it’s time. I understand that some members won’t be happy with what I’m planning to do, but that’s ok. My goal is to make so many people mad that I’ll never be appointed as chairman again.”

Radeucer has a plan. He added, “I have formed the Committee on Church Efficiency (COCE). I read the bylaws, and I know it can be done. Plus, our pastor is on board with it. I’ll handpick 7 members, and we’re going to get to work, and we’re going to be transparent like DOGE. We have 30 committees, and I want to get down to 15 or less. I also plan to change the name of the Committee on Committees; I cringe every time I hear someone say it. I have some different names in mind like the Managing Committee, Quarterback Committee, and a few more. Additionally, we’re going to cut some waste.”

Radeucer has identified some ways to save money and cut waste. Radeucer said, “COCE plans to do away with the bulletin. It costs us hundreds of dollars each year to print the bulletin. We’re going to continue to have a bulletin, but it will be electronic. We’ll provide a QR code on the big screen and throughout the church for people to scan with their cell phones. Additionally, COCE will recommend to the Greeting/Coffee Committee to start using off brand coffee, and we’re going to recommend not providing doughnuts or pastries on Sunday mornings. Also, we’re going to recommend cutting the church staff’s “team building” retreat to the Gulf Coast each year. This will save us thousands each year.”

Radeucer said, “People are probably going to be angry with me, and that’s ok. We’re going to be transparent with the church and let them know what’s going on. After seeing the increase in efficiency within the church and the extra savings, I think they’ll be pleased.”

I was able to speak with a couple members about COCE. An older female member said, “I hope Ron doesn’t start messing with the Homecoming Committee. I know we haven’t had homecoming in 6 years, and our committee hasn’t met in 3 years. But, they really don’t need to cut this committee; I’ve been on it for 25 years.”

A younger female member said, “I’m not too keen on the off brand coffee. I love my coffee, and I can tell the difference between premium and mediocre coffee. The cool hip pastor and good coffee are the two main reasons I come to FVBC. I’m not pleased about this.”

It will be interesting to see how FBVC members react to COCE. We’ll keep you up to date on COCE and its impact on FBVC.

New AI Program to Help Marriages

by Offe Hisczrocher

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all the rage now. You hear about it all the time. Many AI software programs and apps are being used daily by people across the globe, and these programs are making our lives easier. One software program that has become part of the lexicon is ChatGPT. Many of you reading this have used ChatGPT for work or something else. If you haven’t used it, your child in high school or college probably uses routinely to write papers and essays. Many tech experts think AI’s impact will be bigger than the Internet itself, but time will tell.

Valley tech entrepreneur, Mark Bezos, has created an AI program called Bliss that he believes will strengthen and save marriages. Bezos said, “I’ve been married four times now, and marriage ain’t easy. I’ve been creating tech companies for 25 plus years, and I’ve created some great companies. But, I feel like Bliss is the most significant project I’ve worked on; I think it’s going to make a huge positive impact on marriages and families.”

Bliss will go live next week. You will be able to access it via your desktop or via an Apple or Android app. Users will have to allow the app to have access to their text messages, instant message apps, emails, and most of the users’ apps. The app will automatically listen to your conversations (it doesn’t ask for permission for that). The app will also track users with GPS, and it will track users’ phone usage and what apps they’re using. Bliss’s algorithm will compile this data for its users, and it will offer timely advice to its users via the dashboard and push notifications. Bliss will never sell users’ information.

Bezos said, “Bliss is not a panacea, but it can provide practical and useful information to its users. For example, Bliss will be able to interpret female “code” language. It will be able to let a husband know what his wife really means with her communication. Many times husbands complain about their wives not being totally forthcoming about what they really want or how they truly feel. Bliss will be able to solve this issue for husbands in most instances. The app will be able to predict a woman’s feelings and emotions, so it will give men the information they need to act preemptively. This will be huge for husbands and allow them to take action to please their wives. The app will also alert men when a full moon coincides with their wife’s “time of the month”, and it will even give men possible excuses to be away from home during that time.”

“Another example is that Bliss will let wives know when they’re nagging or complaining too much to their husbands,” said Bezos. “Bliss will listen to their conversations, and it can detect tone and elevated decibels. The app will also be able to detect when a wife has a legitimate reason to be unhappy with her husband, and it will remind her not to go to far in addressing the issue. It will send push notifications to wives that are nagging or complaining too often. The nagging or complaining notification can be turned off, so husbands should be aware of this. This is just a few examples of how Bliss can work and improve marriages. There are many more!”

I talked to a couple that has been using Bliss through a pilot program. The husband said, “Bliss has definitely helped me to be a better and more thoughtful husband. For example, it sent me a push notification a couple days ago asking me when was the last time I bought flowers for my wife, and it recommended that I surprise her with flowers. Well, I bought flowers for my wife, and she was so happy. She’d had a rough few days at work, and it meant a lot to her.”

The wife said, “I wasn’t crazy about downloading Bliss to begin with, but I’m glad we did now. A week ago, it asked me when was the last time I cooked dinner for my husband, and I couldn’t remember. I really hadn’t thought about that in a while. My husband and I work hard each day, and we’re tired in the evenings. We eat sandwiches or tv dinners most of the time, but my husband doesn’t complain about it. I’m sure he wishes I’d could cook more often. So, I took Bliss’s recommendation, and I cooked a nice pasta dish for us, and my husband was so grateful.”

Bliss shows great promise in helping marriages. It works best when both spouses download the app. If one spouse starts using the app, and the other spouse isn’t aware of it, there could be issues. The spouse that is not using the app could suspect something is up, so make sure you and your spouse are on the same page when using Bliss.

Republican Subaru Owners Club Formed

by Ben BeEssen

Subaru vehicles are known for their durability. According to Subaru, 96% of their vehicles sold within the past 10 years are still on the road today. Subaru vehicles are popular in mountainous areas of the country like the Pacific Northwest. All wheel drive is standard on all of their vehicles, and that comes in handy in rugged and mountainous areas that can have snowy and icy conditions. Most of the areas that Subarus are popular tend to also lean left politically, so the stereotypical Subaru owner is a liberal with a coexist bumper sticker.

Bernie Grenola is trying to break that stereotype. Grenola is a conservative Republican that is driving his second Subaru Outback. Grenola said, “I absolutely love my Subaru. People around The Valley think I’m a liberal because I drive a Subaru, but I’m about as conservative as you can get. I voted for Trump, and I watch Fox News nightly. I deer hunt, and I love college football. I also listen to Glenn Beck on the radio every day, and I’m as patriotic as you can get. Despite all that, my family and friends make fun of me because I drive a Subaru. So, I decided to do something about it.”

Grenola has formed the Valley Republican Subaru Club, and he plans to break the stigma attached to Subaru owners in The Valley and the South. Grenola said, “We had our first meeting last week, and we had 4 Subaru owners show up. We had a great meeting, and we did some brainstorming. We’re hoping to double our numbers by our meeting next month, and we really hope to grow this group over time. Based on my research, there are a few hundred of us around, but we just have to get the word out about our organization.”

The club had a few ideas to promote itself. They plan to reach out to the local Subaru dealership, and let the sales team know about their club in hopes they’ll promote it to new buyers. They also plan to create car magnets that say “Republicans Drive Subarus Too”, and they all plan to put them on their Subarus. They’ll give the magnets to all new club members.

Grenola said, “We really appreciate the SRVO doing a story for our club. It will definitely help get the word out in the community. Republicans and conservatives actually do drive Subarus. You don’t have to give us mean looks at traffic lights; you don’t have to put Joe Biden magnets on our vehicles. We’re with you! Hopefully, the Valley Republican Subaru Club can raise awareness in The Valley and the world that all Subaru owners aren’t liberals. It could be worse, we could be driving Teslas. I challenge all the haters to drive a Subaru. As they say, Once you drive a Subaru, you won’t go back.”

We’ll see if the Valley Rebublican Subaru Club will be able to break the stereotype. They’re going to have an uphill battle, but Grenola and his crew seem determined. But, time will tell.

Armadillo Day: Valley Vic Sees His Shadow- 6 More Weeks of Winter

by Emma Embellischer

The inaugural Armadillo Day last year was a big hit in The Valley. You can read about it HERE. This year’s celebration was even bigger. Since Feb. 2nd was on a Sunday this year, the festivities were moved to yesterday, Saturday, Feb. 1st. We are in the Bible Belt, so having the festivities on a Sunday would definitely limit the crowd.

The Valley Armadillo Club had been planning the festivities for months, and they did a great job. I was able to catch up with Graye Hardshelle, the club’s president. He said, “We’ve been working hard to get Buck Bend Resort ready for weeks now, and it turned out great. Everything got kicked off at 6:30 am with everyone watching Valley Vic. Luckily, he came out of his burrow; you never know if we’ll be able to get him to come out. We had a huge crowd gathered watching his every move. Valley Vic did see his shadow, so that means we’ll have 6 more weeks of winter. So, it looks like we’ll have to wait until March to start wearing shorts again.”

Valley Vic will never be picked up like the groundhog Punxsutawney Phil, because no one wants to get leprosy. So, the announcement of whether he sees his shadow or not will never be as exciting as Punxsutawney Phil on Groundhog Day. But, the organizers of Armadillo Day do all they can to make it a fun and exciting atmosphere like a carnival or fair. Hardshelle said, “We had vendors cooking breakfast as early as 6:00 am, so it was smelling good at Buck Bend. We even had the Valley City High School Band doing a drum roll for Valley Vic. We had all kinds of fun stuff for kids to do; it’s similar to the state fair or a county fair. We had a big crowd this year since it was held on a Saturday, and I hope the crowds continue to grow each year.”

Food is a big draw for Armadillo Day. You can buy just about any type of fried food imaginable. There were a ton of food vendors peddling some great food. There were a few food contests that drew a lot of attention. At noon, there was a catfish cookoff, and that was a big hit. There was also a dessert contest at 2:00, and the winner cooked a bread pudding. There was a gumbo cookoff at 5:00 pm, and that drew a large crowd as well.

The mullet contest was a big hit. There were 9 entrants, and there were some really nice mullets. It all came down to Joe Durtt and Kenny Powers- straight vs. curly. The judges went with the straight mullet- Joe Durtt. The crowd went wild when Durtt was announced as the winner, and some of Powers’ friends were not happy with the judges.

Things really started to heat up in the evening as the Valley Vagabonds took the stage at 6:00. They put on a great show as always. Hardshelle said, “They’re one of the best Lynyrd Skynyrd cover bands around, and they always put on a great show. Valleyans came out in droves to see them.”

The Valley Armadillo Club plans to make this event bigger and bigger each year. They hope that it will one day be a regional event that will draw people from across The Valley, Mississippi, and the South. Hardshelle said, “We’re gonna make it bigger and bigger each year. Go big or go home right! So, y’all tell your friends and family about it, and we’ll see everyone next year.”