SRVO Endorses Trump
by SRVO Editorial Board
The SRVO normally does not endorse political candidates. That’s been a longstanding unofficial policy of our organization even though our endorsement has been sought from many local and national politicians. We just like to report the news, and we’ll let you, the reader, decide. But, we felt compelled to endorse a candidate for President of the United States this election cycle, because this is the most important election of our lives (because it’s the next one of course). And, what can be, unburdened by what has been.
There’s never been such a binary choice for President. Man or woman, orange man or black/Indian woman, old or young (somewhat), East Coast or West Coast, Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal, middle class elite or rich elite, business owner or career politician, and we could go on and on. Our editorial board had a long spirited debate (about 30 seconds), and we made the decision to endorse Donald J. Trump.

We lined out 10 reasons for endorsing Trump, and they are listed below.
- He’s worked a normal job longer than Harris. See the recent picture above at McDonald’s.
- Harris and Trump both lie (they’re politicians after all), but Trump’s lies aren’t outright lies. There’s generally a shred of truth with his lies.
- Even though Trump doesn’t speak in complete sentences and constantly repeats himself, he has more substance to his statements than Harris. Harris speaks quite a bit, but doesn’t really say anything.
- We like Harris’s joyful demeanor, but we’re not sure the country can take her uncontrolled and sometimes spontaneous laughter for 4 years. We’re not sure how Putin and Xi would respond to her laughter.
- We can’t take 4 years of “I grew up in a middle class family” memes, and we can’t take that excuse from Harris every time she fails over the next 4 years. Trump isn’t humble, and he will never accept blame or admit he failed. But, we’ll take that over “I grew up in a middle class family.”
- If Harris wins, America may not have any middle class families in 4 years.
- Trump is not in favor of tampons in men’s bathrooms.
- Vance > Walz (nice beard)
- Trump just makes things more interesting, and that’s good for the news business.
- We’re pandering. The vast majority of our readers support Trump, and we don’t want to make them mad.
We hope you respect and understand our decision to endorse Trump. Regardless of which candidate you support, we hope you’ll continue to come to us for the news of the Strong River Valley. We appreciate your readership, and we’ll continue to report the news.