Valley Parents Love New Transportation App

by Carl “Bull” Crapper

Everyone is busy these days. We pack more into our schedules now than ever before. We go, go, go all the time. Many parents, including myself, are basically chauffeurs these days. They take the kids to school, and they pick them up in the afternoons. Then, they’re off to ball practice or ball games at night. You have church on Wednesdays and Sundays, and you have ball on the weekends. This on the go lifestyle lends itself to some things being neglected. Mom and Dad just don’t have enough time to do it.

Valley entrepreneur and tech investor, Elon Jobs, understands this busy lifestyle. He’s a busy parent himself. He’s been working on a solution for some time, and he just released an app to help parents with their kids’ transportation needs. Jobs’ new app is called Husl, and it is basically Uber for kids.

Jobs knew parents would like the idea of the app, but he knew many would have reservations leaving their kids in the hands of strangers. So, Husl has put some safeguards in place to protect kids and help parents feel comfortable. Jobs said, “All Husl drivers have to pass background checks, and they can have no criminal history. They also have to have a valid drivers license. Also, there has to be two or more kids on every ride. A child cannot ride alone for any period of time. Additionally, a camera must be installed in every Husl driver’s vehicle. Mom and dad can view the camera at any time from the Husl app. Mom, dad, a grandparent or approved guardian has to choose the kids’ destination in the app, and they will receive notifications when the kids are picked up and dropped off at their destination. Parents should feel confident about their kids’ safety because of the safeguards we’ve put in place.”

Another neat feature of the app is that it allows parents to request a certain driver. So, if parents or kids know and like a certain driver, they can request that driver. Parents really like this feature, and it makes them feel at ease when they know they’ll have someone they know and trust driving their kids around.

Unlike Uber, Husl users pay a monthly fee of $35 per child. Uber users pay per ride. Husl users receive a $5 discount for each additional child. The app is live now, and Valley parents are downloading it like crazy. It’s the talk of the select ball parents community; they are the majority of the early adopters. They love the app.

One mom said, “It’s so nice not to be at the ball field every freakin night of the week. I can actually stay at home and cook supper for a change. Plus, I can clean the house myself. I’ll be able to spend less on Husl than on my house cleaning lady now, so it’ll help us save money. My son and a few of his teammates ride to and from practice together now, and they always ride with Mr. Billy. They love Mr. Billy. Husl is awesome!”

One dad said, “I’ll actually be able to cut my grass now. Before, I was never home in the evenings because I was always chasing the kids around to this and that activity. Also, I’ll be able to get some honey do’s done around the house. I won’t have to hear my wife constantly nagging me about getting things done around the house. Thanks Husl!”

Adoption of Husl will continue to increase. It’s huge in The Valley, but word is starting to spread outside The Valley as well. Jobs thinks it’ll be a household name like Uber in the coming months. He said, “Word of mouth is really helping us. Parents love having extra free time because of Husl. It will be a household name in the not so distant future.”

The app can be downloaded via the Apple and Android stores, and it is free to download. It will be interesting to see Husl’s growth going forward.