New AI Program to Help Marriages

by Offe Hisczrocher

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all the rage now. You hear about it all the time. Many AI software programs and apps are being used daily by people across the globe, and these programs are making our lives easier. One software program that has become part of the lexicon is ChatGPT. Many of you reading this have used ChatGPT for work or something else. If you haven’t used it, your child in high school or college probably uses routinely to write papers and essays. Many tech experts think AI’s impact will be bigger than the Internet itself, but time will tell.

Valley tech entrepreneur, Mark Bezos, has created an AI program called Bliss that he believes will strengthen and save marriages. Bezos said, “I’ve been married four times now, and marriage ain’t easy. I’ve been creating tech companies for 25 plus years, and I’ve created some great companies. But, I feel like Bliss is the most significant project I’ve worked on; I think it’s going to make a huge positive impact on marriages and families.”

Bliss will go live next week. You will be able to access it via your desktop or via an Apple or Android app. Users will have to allow the app to have access to their text messages, instant message apps, emails, and most of the users’ apps. The app will automatically listen to your conversations (it doesn’t ask for permission for that). The app will also track users with GPS, and it will track users’ phone usage and what apps they’re using. Bliss’s algorithm will compile this data for its users, and it will offer timely advice to its users via the dashboard and push notifications. Bliss will never sell users’ information.

Bezos said, “Bliss is not a panacea, but it can provide practical and useful information to its users. For example, Bliss will be able to interpret female “code” language. It will be able to let a husband know what his wife really means with her communication. Many times husbands complain about their wives not being totally forthcoming about what they really want or how they truly feel. Bliss will be able to solve this issue for husbands in most instances. The app will be able to predict a woman’s feelings and emotions, so it will give men the information they need to act preemptively. This will be huge for husbands and allow them to take action to please their wives. The app will also alert men when a full moon coincides with their wife’s “time of the month”, and it will even give men possible excuses to be away from home during that time.”

“Another example is that Bliss will let wives know when they’re nagging or complaining too much to their husbands,” said Bezos. “Bliss will listen to their conversations, and it can detect tone and elevated decibels. The app will also be able to detect when a wife has a legitimate reason to be unhappy with her husband, and it will remind her not to go to far in addressing the issue. It will send push notifications to wives that are nagging or complaining too often. The nagging or complaining notification can be turned off, so husbands should be aware of this. This is just a few examples of how Bliss can work and improve marriages. There are many more!”

I talked to a couple that has been using Bliss through a pilot program. The husband said, “Bliss has definitely helped me to be a better and more thoughtful husband. For example, it sent me a push notification a couple days ago asking me when was the last time I bought flowers for my wife, and it recommended that I surprise her with flowers. Well, I bought flowers for my wife, and she was so happy. She’d had a rough few days at work, and it meant a lot to her.”

The wife said, “I wasn’t crazy about downloading Bliss to begin with, but I’m glad we did now. A week ago, it asked me when was the last time I cooked dinner for my husband, and I couldn’t remember. I really hadn’t thought about that in a while. My husband and I work hard each day, and we’re tired in the evenings. We eat sandwiches or tv dinners most of the time, but my husband doesn’t complain about it. I’m sure he wishes I’d could cook more often. So, I took Bliss’s recommendation, and I cooked a nice pasta dish for us, and my husband was so grateful.”

Bliss shows great promise in helping marriages. It works best when both spouses download the app. If one spouse starts using the app, and the other spouse isn’t aware of it, there could be issues. The spouse that is not using the app could suspect something is up, so make sure you and your spouse are on the same page when using Bliss.