Motocross Party Broken Up at Hwy. 18 Bridge

by “Stretch” DeTrooth

The Hwy. 18 bridge closure has caused some inconvenience and angst among area residents. However, some area residents decided to have some fun with the bridge closure last night. A group of about 40 people gathered at the bridge last night around 2 a.m. to party and watch motocross riders jump over Dabbs Creek where the new bridge is being constructed.

Law enforcement was alerted of the gathering, and they arrived around 2:30 a.m. to break it up. The group scattered when law enforcement arrived. They did manage to arrest 3 onlookers because their ATV wouldn’t start. One law enforcement officer said, “This was obviously a planned thing. They had built 2 large wooden ramps to glide over the creek. They were all riding 4 wheelers and dirt bikes, so they were ready to roll if we showed up. This was very dangerous and stupid. These losers were even drinking Bud Light! Unbelievable! We’ll get them next time.”

I was able to talk with a couple people that were at the gathering, and they both wanted to remain anonymous. One onlooker said, “It was so awesome; it was like a party. We were hanging out, playing music, and drinking beer. Those dudes were ramping over the creek like Evel Freakin Knievel.”

A motocross rider told me, “I was a little nervous about the ramps. We built them out of pallets and scrap wood in about 20 minutes. But, they held up well. After 4 or 5 beers, I was like screw it. Let’s go! We were having a blast dude! It was so rad! The po po had to ruin a good time. We’ll be back though. They can’t stop us.”

Law enforcement talked with nearby residents, and they asked them to call 911 if people start to gather again in the wee hours of the night at the bridge construction site. However, an unnamed source said some nearby residents were there gambling on which rider could jump the farthest. Law enforcement feels confident nearby residents will notify them if the group does gather again.