Local Shopper Blacks Out

by I. B. Lyon

Nowadays, there are more Generale Dollars in The South and The Valley than you can shake a stick at. It seems like a new one springs up every month in and around The Valley. The company builds them in strategic rural locations, and they do a ton of business. Valleyans love them for their convenience, and many of them now even sell food and produce. Some have gotten high tech and have self-checkouts now.

Karen Cardashyan goes to the Generale Dollar fairly often, and the workers know her by name. However, Cardashyan’s visit to Generale Dollar this week was one to forget. She brought her daughter with her this visit. Karen’s daughter said, “Before Mom passed out, she couldn’t believe how clean the store was. She said there was nothing in the aisles, and the floors were even clean. She also said they even have 3 people working in the store today. The next thing I know she hit the floor.”

Cardashyan said, “I don’t remember anything about the episode. I just remember coming to with my daughter kneeling by my side talking to me. God was watching out for me, because I didn’t hit my head or hurt myself.” The ambulance was called for precautionary reasons, and the paramedics checked her out and found nothing out of the ordinary.

Cardashyan said, “I love my Generale Dollar and the employees are great, and it’s so darn convenient. But, it’s not the cleanest and most organized store in the world. I guess I was so shocked that the aisles were clear and that there were 3 employees working at the time that I blacked out. The workers got a kick out of it when I told them why I blacked out.”

Cardashyan asked me to not to disclose which Generale Dollar location she routinely visits, and we honored her wish. I love to shop at the Generale Dollar myself, and Cardashyan and I don’t want to disparage the venerable company and their employees.