Local Coach Forms Travel T-ball Team

by “Stretch” DeTrooth

T-ball is normally a circus; some would call it cat herding. Generally, the kids have no idea what’s going on. They’ll pile on each other going after the ball. They’ll sometimes run to the wrong base. Little Johnny will be sitting down playing in the dirt. It’s just adorable and hilarious.

The above is what you see with most t-ball teams, but that is not what you’ll see with Coach Bobby Cox’s team. Coach Cox has tryouts for his team. Kids on his team have to know the fundamentals, and they have to be able to pay attention. You won’t see a kid on his team playing in the dirt. He practices for 2 hours 3 times per week, so he takes it serious.

Cox said, “You see all this travel ball, and it normally starts with 7 or 8 year olds. That’s fine, but I felt I needed to up the ante a little bit. Why not start a travel or select t-ball team? A lot of these t-ball parents are serious about their kids learning the game, and I don’t think you can start too early. So, I decided to form the Termites. We’re the only travel t-ball team in The Valley and the state that I’m aware of. Once, people hear about the Termites, I think more coaches will form travel t-ball teams too. I’m going to do a t-ball tournament soon, and hopefully it will kickstart travel t-ball in The Valley.”

Currently, the Termites don’t have any other travel or select t-ball teams to play against. They’re just practicing 3 nights per week hoping the tournament will help them find some teams to play. The parents are very excited about the Termites and what Coach Cox brings to the table.

One Termite Mom said, “I’m so excited for Little Timmy and the Termites. These kids are working so hard, and they are improving so much. I can’t wait to cheer on the Termites each weekend! We want Timmy to specialize in baseball, and the Termites is a great start. A lot of people think I’m crazy for doing this, but you can never start them too young.”

One Termite Dad said, “Coach Cox is what these boys need. He expects excellence, and he won’t take anything less. He doesn’t allow crying, and he makes the boys pay attention at all times. No parents are allowed in the dugout. If a kid’s not paying attention, he makes the kid do 10 push ups. That’s old school, and kids need that these days. Coach Cox is already working with Little Johnny on batting from the left and right sides. He also works with the boys on back handing ground balls too. They all can catch pop ups. Being on the Termites is only going to help Little Johnny get on a really good travel team when he turns 7, and that’s what we want.”

Some people think a travel t-ball team is over the top, but Coach Cox and his parents feel otherwise. Coach Cox said, “Some people think we’re crazy, but we’re not. We’re just passionate about the game. I just saw a need and filled that need. Parents wanted to start their kids out young learning the game, and that’s what the Termites is all about. I’m hoping this travel t-ball will really take off, but we’ll see.”

We’ll see if this travel t-ball will take off like Coach Cox and the Termite parents hope it will. Time will tell, but I have my doubts. The SRVO will keep you updated about Coach Cox and his little Termites.