Halloween at Valley Meadows
by Tre McGyver

Hello my fellow Valleyans! It’s been a while since I wrote a story for you. I’ve been busy trying to keep the zoo we call Valley Meadows (the Valley’s premier mobile home covenant community) straight. It’s a tough job folks, but someone has to do it. Whatever is going on, I’ll always have to take time to tell you about Halloween at Valley Meadows. It’s always crazy, and this year was no different.
I’m sure you’ve seen the massive skeleton decorations this year. They’re about 12 feet tall, and you can’t miss them. Well, we decided to put one on each side of our entrance. The residents were so excited. It was a community event when we put them out; we had about 50 Valley Meadows residents out there helping me set them up. We put a lot of time into decorating those bad boys, and they look pretty scary. We made them even more scary by putting a MS State hat on one and a Saints hat on the other. Maybe, we just should’ve put paper bags over their heads! These weren’t the only huge skeletons in the neighborhood; there were 8 scattered throughout the neighborhood too. You wouldn’t believe how some of them were decorated.

We had a ton of vehicles driving thru Valley Meadows again this year checking out the decorations. No one cares about Valley Meadows until Halloween every year, but we’ll take it. I sent a Facebook message to our Valley Meadows group begging our residents not to scare the crap out of the visitors. Evidently, no one read it. I know of four incidents where some of our teenagers hid behind vehicles, and they ran up to visitors’ cars trying to scare kids in the backseats. One poor grandmother got so startled that she drove her car into a tree, and she almost had a heart attack. Luckily, no one was hurt, but her grandkids were scared to death too. I had to threaten the teenagers and tell their parents.
This year, we started a Halloween party exclusively for our residents the day before Halloween. We had a ton of fun, and it got a little crazy. I did a Halloween costume contest for the first time, and the winner won $100 cash. People went all out for it! Little Billy Buford won the contest; he was dressed as Donald Trump. The hair did it for him; he and his mom nailed Trump’s hair. Little Sally Sellers came in a close second, and she was dressed as Taylor Swift. I don’t like Taylor Swift, so I chose Billy as the winner. I’ll definitely do the costume contest each year going forward.
I probably need to try to find a mobile pediatric dentist to visit Valley Meadows in November or December every year, because these poor kids eat a ton of candy for Halloween. If a dentist came to us, they could make a killing after Halloween. Y’all contact me if you know of one.
Valleyans, I hope to bring you another story about the zoo called Valley Meadows soon. Y’all come see us; it’ll be a life-changing experience!