Local Preacher Bitten by Snake

by Ima Phibber

As the saying goes, if you play with fire, you’re eventually going to get burned. Evidently, that saying applies to snake handling in church services. There aren’t many churches that still do snake handling in services these days, but the Strong River Church of Our Lord Jesus in rural Simpson County is a church that still embraces the practice.

Pastor Jake “The Snake” Flair has been snake handling in his services for about 10 years, and he’d never been bitten until last night. Bro. Flair was always cautious when snake handling, and he always reminded his congregation how dangerous the practice can be. Bro. Flair uses timber rattlers in his services, and he catches every snake he uses in the Bienville National Forest.

Bro. Flair is in ICU right now, but he’s expected to make a full recovery. Bro. Flair leads the music in addition to preaching at the church. He was singing a solo while holding the snake in front of his face when the snake bit him on the neck. He was immediately in agonizing pain, and he urged someone to call 911. The emergency responders arrived about 20 minutes later. A member of the congregation pulled out his Judge and dispatched the snake. I talked to multiple members of Bro. Flair’s congregation, and they had different view points as to why he was bitten.

Susie Story said, “Bro. Flair just wasn’t in the spirit tonight. I could sense it and everyone including the snake could sense it too. That’s why the snake bit him. If you’re gonna handle snakes in church, you gotta make sure you’re in the spirit.”

Jim Bob Duggan, an elder in the church, said, “I think the snake bit him because he was singing off key. He’d never sung that song before, and he was bad off key. The snake could sense that just like me.”

Bro. Flair couldn’t be reached for comment. I asked members of Flair’s church if they think Flair will continue to do snake handling in his services, and they all said that he’d definitely continue with the practice. Duggan said, “He’ll keep doing it. I doubt he’ll sing that song again, or he may not handle snakes while singing. But, it’s been part of our services for generations, and he’ll keep doing it.”

The church members I talked with said to keep Bro. Flair in your thoughts and prayers. They also would like a pastor with snake handling experience to fill in for Flair while he recuperates, so contact the Strong River Church of Our Lord Jesus if interested.