Valleyan Creates Unique Summer Camp

by Ima Phibber

Kids love summer camps. They love the outdoor activities, the games, and the camaraderie with their friends and fellow campers. There’s nothing like a good experience at a summer camp. Kids will remember things they learned and things that happened at summer camp for the rest of their lives. Camp can be good for mom and dad as well; they look forward to unloading their kids off at camp for much needed breaks.

Retired Army Colonel Dwight Patton is a well known and respected Valley resident. He’s struggled for a couple years to decide on what he was going to do in retirement after his decorated military career, but Patton recently made a decision about his plans in retirement. Col. Patton said, “I own a lot of land, and I wasn’t really putting any of it to use. I attended summer camp growing up, and I loved it. Now, I have a passion for kids and helping kids. I had the thought of starting a summer camp for kids, and the thought of it continued to grow on me. So, I recently decided that I was going to give it a go. I’ve been working on everything for about 9 months now, and it’s great to see it all come to fruition.”

Col. Patton’s camp is going to have the look and feel of a traditional summer camp, but it’s going to be different in some ways. He’s going to have cabins with bunk beds, and he’s going to have a big mess hall. He’s also going to have traditional camp activities like swimming, canoeing, archery, and camp fires. He’s going to have an emphasis on survival skills and living off the land. He’s also going to spend a good bit of time teaching the campers counter bullying techniques and strategies. But, what’s really going to set his camp apart is his old school, no nonsense approach of his and his staff’s treatment of the campers. Patton has named his camp, Camp Ayntnocissy, after a Choctaw word meaning tough guy.

The 3 guiding principles of Camp Ayntnocissy will be Responsibility, Accountability, and Toughness. Col Patton said, “You’ll hear me and my staff say RAT repeatedly. That’s an acronym for our guiding principles. Campers and parents might think we have a rat infestation to begin with, but it won’t take them long to pick up on the RAT mantra.”

Col. Patton said, “I have 3 grandkids, and I love them do pieces. But, they’re as soft as tissue paper, and it really bothers me. Most kids these days are in the same boat, and I blame a lot of it on these millennial helicopter parents. Well, our aim at Camp Ayntnocissy is to make these kids mentally and physically tough. There will be no sissies at Camp Ayntnocissy!”

Col. Patton has assembled a group of retired military members and retired coaches to be his staff and counselors, and they aim to whip these kids into shape. Col. Patton added, “When you drop Little Johnny or Little Jane off for the week, they will be different kids when you pick them up a week later. We promise you that.” Camp Ayntnocissy has a long list of rules that parents and campers have to agree to abide by, and some are listed below. Violation of one or more of these rules by the camper or the parent will result in the child being dismissed, and there will be no refunds.

  • No screens- no cell phones, no iPads, no Nintendo Switches, no televisions
  • No complaining or whining
  • You will not have any contact with your child unless he/she breaks a bone, has a concussion, or obtains a flesh eating bacteria. We will not send you any pictures or videos of your child.
  • Other than breaking a bone, getting a concussion, or obtaining a flesh eating bacteria, crying is allowed only one time. A second crying spell will result in dismissal.
  • Your child will have to walk around barefooted occasionally.
  • Your child will perspire and often perspire profusely.
  • Your child will drink water out of a water hose.
  • Your child will use sharp objects such as knives and machetes.
  • Your child will get his/her hands dirty, and hand sanitizer is not allowed.
  • Your child will be responsible for his/her belongings and actions. A counselor or staffer will not keep track of your child’s belongings.
  • Your child will be expected to eat the food provided in the mess hall. No special dietary preferences will be taken into account.
  • The words “I’m bored” are not allowed to be uttered.

Many parents and grandparents are excited about Col. Patton’s new camp. One Valley grandmother told me, “I really want to send Ethan to the camp. I love my grandson, but he’s a wimp and he stays inside all the time. I hope Col. Patton and his people can toughen him up. But, his mom will probably not want him to go; she’ll be upset that she can’t talk to him and baby him for a whole week.”

It will be interesting to see how Col. Patton’s old school, no nonsense approach works with the kids of the current generation. But, the parents and grandparents of The Valley seem to think this is really needed. Camp Ayntnocissy will welcome it’s first campers on Monday. We’ll see how it turns out.